dpost( June 17th, 2014) Buffalo N.Y. production and post production company, dPost, recently created the promo/open for the 5th Annual Soho International Film Festival.  The concept of NYC director and Buffalo native, Todd Bellanca, was to create a promo/open that was a graphic adaptation of Jack and the Beanstalk.


dPost President Andy Donovan enjoys a moment on the red carpet at the 2014 Soho International Film Festival. He is joined by VP of Communications Beth Donovan, Senior Editor Bill Cousins, Colorist/Motion Graphics Designer Ben Barnhardt, and 3D Animator Sam Tato.

Through tried-and-true storytelling and futuristic technology, dPost helped him re-imagine the classic – thus “Jacqueline and the Film Stock” was born.  Five members of the dPost team traveled to NYC for the film festival opening this past May to see it’s debut.

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Senior Editor Bill Cousins hard at work.



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