(October 8th, 2013) The first Buffalo Film Expo will be held on Sunday, November 3rd at the Holiday Inn Buffalo Airport, 4600 Genesee Street in Cheektowaga, from 10:00 am to 5:00 pm. The event, which will feature a vendors’ room and panel discussions by local film professionals, is a joint effort between Buffalo Dreams Fantastic Film Festival and local promoter Ted Hanes. Admission is only $5.00.
“Our goal is to bring as many local filmmakers and film enthusiasts from the Buffalo-Niagara-Rochester area together under one roof as possible,” says Gregory Lamberson, who co-directs Buffalo Dreams Fantastic Film Festival with Chris Scioli. “We have a large community of professional crew members, semi-pro feature filmmakers, aspiring filmmakers, craftsmen, actors and film students in Buffalo, which is one of the reasons we started Buffalo Dreams in the first place. As hard as it is to believe, we’re spread out and disconnected, except maybe for the Buffalo Niagara Film Professionals page on Facebook. With Buffalo Film Expo, we want to provide an educational forum and networking base for filmmakers of all levels of experience. We’ve made the admission low so anyone can attend.”
The first component of the expo is the vendor room, where local production companies, actors and filmmakers can represent themselves to the community, and dealers can sell DVDs, comic books and other merchandise. The second component is the panel discussions by area professionals who will take questions from the audience. Panelists and discussions scheduled so far include: Buffalo Niagara Film Commissioner Tim Clark and Operations Director Rich Wall on working with the film commission; cinematographers Chris Santucci, Matthew Nardone and Clint Byrne on shooting for film and television; Frank Rossi and Bryan Patrick Stoyle on the business side of acting and casting; and Joel Reisnikoff on art direction and production design. All guests are contingent upon availability, and more will be added.
Interested vendors should contact buffalofilmexpo@gmail.com. Buffalo Film Expo precedes Buffalo Dreams Fantastic Film Festival, which runs Friday, November 8th – Thursday, November 14th at the Dipson Amherst Theater.
Buffalo Film Expo on Facebook:
Buffalo Dreams Fantastic Film Festival:
Buffalo Niagara Film Office:
Buffalo Niagara Film Professionals:
Press release from Greg Lamberson