The limited TV mini-series, “Diary of a Lunatic: Sylke’s Tales” will premiere on Amazon Prime on March 5, 2021. The series is a follow up to the successful feature film, “Diary of a Lunatic…Trew’s Calling”, that was filmed in WNY and premiered in 2017.

This original series reunites the feature film original cast Tracey B. Wilson (“Guiding Light”, “All My Children”), Kevin Sizemore (“Fear of the Walking Dead”, “Resurrection”, “Under the Dome”), and introduces newcomer Melody Nardone (“Anathema”). The series co-stars Muse Watson (“NCIS”, “The Avengers”), Yancy Butler (“As The World Turns,” “Brooklyn South”, “Witchblade”), Cynthia Rothrock (“Cool Cat Kids Superhero,” “China O’Brian”). Six half-hour episodes were shot on location in Buffalo, New York.

“Diary of a Lunatic” is an ongoing action-packed fantasy, comedy, drama. Every human has alter egos that live in parallel worlds, the boundaries between these parallel universes have become fragile, planets are collapsing and alter egos are slipping through the crumbling universes and attaching to the wrong people.

“The feature film ‘Diary of a Lunatic: Trew’s Calling’ became such a cult fan favorite that we assembled nearly the same cast and crew to give audiences what they wanted, more awesomeness with a few unexpected twists” said director, Greg Robbins.

Kimber Eastwood (“Aliens vs. Vampires”, “Diary of a Lunatic: Trew’s Calling”) teams up with
Robbins’ to continue the magic as the Producer.

For more information on “Diary of a Lunatic: Sylke’s Tales” please visit or follow the mini-series’ Instagram page @DiaryOfALunatic.TV and Facebook page @DiaryOfALunatic

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