(December 17th, 2012) Patrick Gallo was born and raised in Buffalo. In the 1980s as one of the pioneering Buffalo Skateboarders in the Elmwood Village, Pat started to exercise his creativity through extreme sports, before performing in his first musical at Lafayette High School. It was there that his fate in the arts was sealed before heading off to The American Musical and Dramatic Academy in New York City at age 19 to start his career.
As an actor he has guest starred on numerous shows including Cold Case, ER, NYPD Blue, & Reno 911. As an editor he is working with shows like The Simpsons, Glee, & Dollhouse. His most recent work has included a collaboration with Buffalo’s 1derful films Phil Gangi, Peter Tasca, and Stephen Butler on a documentary which explores the Buffalo Bill’s 1990’s Superbowl Run, and also a guest appearance on this past season of Boardwalk Empire.
Patrick attributes growing up in Buffalo, spending time with the rich and deeply unique characters, inspiring architecture, and vibrant culture as something that he is terribly thankful for. He feels that it’s a huge part of his identity as an artist.
Boardwalk Empire-
BNFC -How’d you land the role?
PG – The casting director, Meridith Tucker became a fan of mine and kept reading me on numerous roles, determined to eventually find a place for me on the show. I read for 5 roles over a 6 months…booked my 6 read.
BNFC– Describe your role and approach to the character I believe he was only known as cousin Franco?
PG– Yes, He was the only known cousin. Franco grew up on the docks, and the fishing trade was a big part of his life. My approach is the same as always, I find his tone in rehearsal, and let it naturally evolve.
BNFC– Why’d he get whacked? How did they bury you in the sand?
PG– He got whacked because he made Gyp feel inferior to him…as you know, it doesn’t take much. The sand gag was done by digging a huge hole and placing a a large plastic container in it where I would sit. Then they cover the top with sand. For the actual shovel to head contact, they used a prosthetic they made of my head.
BNFC– What was your biggest takeway from this opportunity? Observations about the production that could translate to someone writing or producing episodic television?
PG- It’s rare that you get to become a part of an acclaimed show that you actually watch and actually respect creatively…that’s rare and I took from it nothing but how lucky I was to be a part it and getting the opportunity to work with people that are at the top of their game, from hair and makeup, to camera etc etc.
Almost a Dynasty-
BNFC– Talk about your participation in Almost a Dynasty? How did you get Scott Norwood and Bill Polian to participate?
PG – My participation in the film was to help out some guys who had a great idea, but no idea as how to execute a feature documentary.
BNFC– How did you get Scott Norwood and Bill Polian to participate?
PG– Bill Polian was involved through a favor of a good friend of mine who knows him very well…he was wonderful and very happy to be a part of it. Scott Norwood was basically a steal. We heard he was at an event, we went and hoped we could grab some footage…we were lucky enough to make it happen.
BNFC– Did any of the info in the interviews surprise you? If so what?
PG – Yes, it was all surprise to me as I am not a sports fan!
Almost a Dynasty – Trailer