“Slapped Straight” is an action comedy about the upcoming worldwide sport of Slap Fighting, which
focuses on the life of Gary Nichols after meeting an upcoming slap fighter “HotHands”. They become
friends as HotHands brings a better perspective to Gary’s life, giving him the courage to face his fears
as HotHands himself goes up against the Slap Fight Champion “BlockHead Red”. This movie was inspired
to be the first slap fight movie to ever be created. The idea of this movie was birthed on the set of Luminary
Figures upcoming show “Unusual Attraction”, after Raynel asked David to slap him on camera, to see
what it would look like in slow motion. So the two started writing, and It was upward from there on.
“Slapped Straight” began production April 24th, 2022 and took just over a month to complete production.
The cast was selected 5 months prior when the Luminary Brothers held a casting call in November of 2021.
The film was shot in many locations in Buffalo, as the goal was to show off the beautiful scenery of the city.
“This is a Buffalo Film for sure, with A LOT of hiphop!” David states as production continued through 2022.
The theme is definitely a hip hop theme, and is excellent in every aspect of the movie such as the story,
the characters, the theme, the soundtrack, the editing, the directing, and the cinematography. “This is
definitely a classic!” – Raynel T. Almonte. After production, the Luminary Brothers set forth to bring to life
one of the best movies ever to be produced locally in Buffalo, NY, and through hard work and dedication,
they did just that.
On April 22nd, 2023, just a year after production of Slapped Straight began, the movie was premiered in
Niagara Falls, NY at the Capitol Theater. Luminary held a red carpet event where there were photos taken
of everyone who attended the premiere. Luminary enjoys employing others when they can, especially
black owned businesses. The movie started and throughout the entire film, laughter filled the theater.
2 hours and 15 minutes later, the movie ended and a standing ovation occurred. The film was well received
by everyone who attended the event. So much, that Luminary Figures are screening an encore June 10th, 2023.
The screening will be held at the same location, Capitol Theater in Niagara falls, NY at 720 Builders Way, 14304
and it will premiere exactly at 7pm.
Luminary Figures Group is a local Film production company ran by David O. Anderson and Raynel T. Almonte
which was founded in 2021. Both filmmakers brought their production houses together, ComposedIMAGE
(David) and FrameArt Pictiures (Raynel), to form Luminary Figures Group or LFG. The dual are responsible
for all aspects of the movies they produce. They are the writers, cinematographers, directors, and editors,
of their films, and with local talent from Buffalo, NY and Niagara Falls, NY, they produce quality work
every time. Through the years, the Luminary Brothers has created 4 short films, 1 series which is still in
post production, and now a feature film “Slapped Straight”